Amber Forrence's Fundraiser
Help make a difference!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
When I began as a student intern at Jayme's Fund over three years ago, I was unaware of how much Jayme's Fund can transform the lives of children in our community.
From crafting and delivering Jayme's Bears for hospitals and homeless shelters to granting scholarships for high school students supporting similar causes, Jayme's Fund has not only affected the lives of those it serves but my life as well. Seeing a child's face light up when they are given the gift of a Jayme's Bear is truly indescribable. I am honored to even be a small part of improving a child's life.
March into Spring is just one way you can make a difference in a child's life today! I will be walking on March 24th to support the mission that Jayme's Fund prides upon. With your help, I hope to reach my personal fundraising goal for 2019. Any donation is truly appreciated! Thanks so much!